Effortless second language acquisition for your students
- it’s FREE!
A science-backed game that naturally teaches your students Spanish through stories - while saving you time!
Already have a Teacher Dashboard account?
Does your school or district require further documentation to use FabuLingua?
Email schools@fabulingua.com for help.
With the Free Teacher Dashboard, a teacher can:
create classes
add students to each class
access free guides and resources
activate one single story at a time for each class
track each class and student’s progress.
With the Premium Teacher Dashboard, a teacher can:
access all Free Teacher Dashboard features
access additional resources such as printables, puzzles, and games
automate parent and administrative reports
activate multiple stories at a time to personalize the learning experience for students in each class
⭐️ To access the Premium Dashboard, email support@fabulingua.com.
You can copy/paste each student’s name into the dashboard OR automatically add them via Clever!
Dr. Annette Penley
Head of School
Pathfinders Academy