FabuLingua Press and Media

Press Releases & Inquiries
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A panel of experts in second language acquisition evaluated the pedagogical merits of the top technology innovations from around the world and... FabuLingua WON! The assessment included interviews, questionnaires and extensive testing of the products by the experts as well as a pitch presentation.
Watch Leslie’s pitch presentation on YouTube:
As the spread of the virus has forced families to spend more time at home, the Begerts -- who have two children, aged 12 and 10 -- said they hope their Austin-based education technology startup Fabulingua can help. “We just need to give families as many tools as possible to stay home,” Leslie Begert said.
Running a business and raising a family—how does one find the time to balance two big responsibilities? Leslie and Mark share stories about being an entrepreneurial team and their plans to channel their love for family and languages into FabuLingua’s development.
FabuLingua News and Reviews
EdTech Digest is known as the “leading source of cool tools, interviews, and trends showcasing the future of learning.” In this article, EdTech Digest gives a great analysis of the Magical Translations™ method and the science behind it. At the 2020 EdTech Awards, Fabulingua was a Cool Tool Award finalist for “Best Language Learning Solution”.
“FabuLingua is a language learning app designed for children under 12 that has the perfect combination of fun and learning.”
Check out this great parent review of FabuLingua on Medium! The article is a great explanation of how the FabuLingua app works and is a perfect read for any parent considering using FabuLingua with their child.
Homeschool mom, Sarah, recently reviewed FabuLingua in her blog “Homeschooling 4 Him!” This article offers a great perspective of how FabuLingua can be used in a homeschool setting , as well as a great overview of the FabuLingua method!
Click on the image above to read the article!
We have been chosen by the National Science Foundation as a semi-finalist in the VITAL Prize Challenge ("Visionary Interdisciplinary Teams Advancing Learning" supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Schmidt Futures and the Walton Family Foundation) ✨
"The $6 million, multiphase challenge supports teams developing novel learning technologies with entrepreneurial training, customer discovery support, seed funding and mentorship to build K-12 learning innovations for adoption nationwide." 💪
FabuLingua’s founders, Mark and Leslie, recently spoke on the Studying Success podcast - a show centered around hearing from successful entrepreneurs and investors. The episode gives wonderful insight into the foundations of FabuLingua - what sparked the idea, how the Begerts’ backgrounds helped them start the business, the model of the app, and how it’s different from other language learning platforms.
Just click the above photo to get to the full podcast!
Our founders recently spoke on “Pitch Please”, a podcast created by Draper House around learning how startups pitch their companies to venture capitalists. In this episode, Mark and Leslie go through the foundations and future of FabuLingua - how it works, why it’s different, and where it is going.
Click on the image above to listen to the podcast!
In this video from TechCrunch Disrupt 2022, Leslie Begert explains FabuLingua’s approach to second language acquisition and how comprehensible input is the key to learning a new language:
“The only thing that makes the language learner learn more is exposure to comprehensible input that is compelling”
Click on the image above to hear Leslie’s full explanation of comprehensible input and the analogy of machine learning!
Our CEO, Mark Begert, was invited to present at the TechCrunch Disrupt Conference in October 2022. In his presentation, Mark discusses FabuLingua’s revolutionary approach to children’s language learning:
“Children’s language learning is still a large, white space that is immature, underrepresented, and lacking innovation. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to impact children’s futures and society as a whole”
Click on the image above to watch Mark’s full presentation!
Our founder, Leslie, was recently a guest on the “Forward Thinking Founders” podcast. Check out the video to hear Leslie speak about the inspiration behind FabuLingua, the benefits of learning a second language as a child, and the future of FabuLingua!
It’s always exciting each time we hear from parents that their kids are able to have conversations in Spanish as a result of FabuLingua. And they do it so effortlessly that it often times inspires the parents to start their own language learning journey! Listen to this short TikTok from a happy mama!
We are thrilled that FabuLingua got this recognition from TechCrunch!
Want to invest in FabuLingua? Now’s the time, before our equity crowdfunding campaign closes on April 20th! Go to WeFunder.com/FabuLingua to invest!
Mama Llama Linguist is a well-known blogger raising bilingual children. She’s a Brit who lives in a little cottage in San Diego. She used to be a Spanish teacher, and when she became a mama she began raising little linguists and blogging about it. She has a highly respected blog full of resources for parents and we were thrilled when she agreed to review FabuLingua!
Check out Leslie’s latest interview on Nasdaq.com. Spiffy is an extraterrestrial who interviews entrepreneurial leaders here on planet earth through their Ladderworks interview series. Pathway Ventures knows Spiffy well and recommended Leslie for an interview! Interviews with aliens can go in a wide range of directions to cover the full range of human experiences!
Fast Company’s Innovation by Design Awards celebrates exceptional design in many product categories, ranging from beauty to software, architecture and philanthropy.
Over 4,000 companies were evaluated, 599 honorees were chosen, and 37 winners were selected for distinct and very diverse categories. The other winners included giants like Google, Microsoft, and JP Morgan Chase and well as long-time design visionaries like Herman Miller and Nike. So with that stellar line up of winners, we felt particularly humbled that FabuLingua was was chosen as the winner of the “On the Rise” category 📈. This category is for young companies that have only been around from 0-4 years.
When FabuLingua recently WON the Fast Company ‘Innovation by Design Award’ for companies ‘On the Rise’, Fast Company Magazine wrote a wonderful article about us.
Journalist Elizabeth Segran, PhD, is a seasoned journalist, a senior staff writer at Fast Company Magazine and has been published in The Atlantic, the New Republic, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs and The Nation. We were thrilled to be interviewed by her - she truly did a spectacular job at describing how and why we built FabuLingua, and what it is!
IALLT recently interviewed the winners of the LaunchPad competition: FabuLingua (Winner) and ImmerseMe (People's choice). Founders Leslie and Scott discuss how they got interested in technology for language learning, how the pedagogical structure of their tools developed and what kind of process and what people have been involved to move their projects from idea to product.
FabuLingua was honored to be selected as part of the Elite 200 semifinalist in the prestigious GSV Cup - the world's largest pitch competition for EdTech startups. It’s part of the ASU+GSV Summit taking place this August. Selected by a panel of 152 highly regarded judges, we are feeling very excited to be in the company of other innovative EdTech companies, educators and investors.
ASU+GSV Summit has started a podcast series called ‘The age of digital learning’ covering the educational themes of the summit. It kicked off with an interview of two of the Elite 200 companies, and FabuLingua was thrilled to be one of them! Click here to listen to the 20min interview.
In this article in Language Magazine, editor Daniel Ward talks about FabuLingua winning the LaunchPad 2021 competition.
A panel of experts in second language acquisition evaluated the pedagogical merits of the top technology innovations from around the world and... FabuLingua WON! The assessment included interviews, questionnaires and extensive testing of the products by the experts as well as a pitch presentation.
Watch Leslie’s pitch presentation on YouTube:
It was an honor and a pleasure for FabuLingua to have been selected as a FINALIST for the SXSW EDU Launch Competition! It was a great collection of founders with truly exciting visions for how to transform education (and how cool was it that 4 of the 5 founders were female?) Have a look at the video of Leslie Begert’s pitch and Q&A with the SXSW judges (FabuLingua starts at minute 21:32 of the video).
Esta primera entrevista del año nos ha inspirado de muchas formas diferentes. Leslie es una mujer que valora la crianza multicultural de una manera muy particular. Ha intentado varios métodos, ha buscado mil ideas y no se ha dejado vencer hasta encontrar lo que de verdad necesitaba. Mas aún, ha decidido compartirlo creando FabuLingua @fabulinguakids Te invitamos a conocerla y contagiarte de su entusiasmo por el bilingüismo.
In this podcast, Mark is interviewed by Jason Canvess, and they discuss FabuLingua, and the different aspects of being a startup, from fundraising, to boards and hiring. Mark talks about his experiences as a CFO in China and the current Austin Tech and Startup scene.
The podcast is available on many podcast providers, all of which are listed at the bottom.
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) just released its inaugural list of Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning. FabuLingua made the very short list of only 11 digital tools that were recognized, and we are humbled to be in the company of such giants as Zoom, the Smithsonian, and the Council for Foreign Relations and alongside well respected digital innovators such as CodeSpark.
The EdTech Awards for 2020 have just been announced, and FabuLingua is delighted to share that we were a Cool Tool Finalist in the category of ‘language learning solution’!
This year’s finalists and winners were narrowed from the larger field and judged based on various criteria, including: pedagogical workability, efficacy and results, support, clarity, value and potential.
Professor Doctor Justin Angle hosts A New Angle, a show about cool people doing awesome things. Justin invited FabuLingua co-founders Leslie and Mark Begert on his podcast to talk about Fabulingua’s origin story and how it’s changing the way kids learn languages.
As the spread of the virus has forced families to spend more time at home, the Begerts -- who have two children, aged 12 and 10 -- said they hope their Austin-based education technology startup Fabulingua can help. “We just need to give families as many tools as possible to stay home,” Leslie Begert said.
Go for the Gold! FabuLingua was awarded the top award by Mom’s Choice, an organization that honors excellence in family-friendly media, products, and services.
Bethany Ishee chronicles her journey as a homeschool teacher of six. On her blog you can find posts over her interests like diet, frugality, homeschooling and more. Bethany goes over FabuLingua’s magical translations learning process and how it makes learning a new language easy and fun!
Christine Suarez, a mom of two in Brooklyn New York, highlights creative approaches to learning and positive parenting on her blog Blooming Brilliant. Christine knew it was essential her 6 and 10 year old learn a second language. FabuLingua made it simple, they all listen to beautifully illustrated stories and learn to speak Spanish together!
FabuLingua today announced that their subscription based Spanish-English learning app will now be offered at no charge. The temporary change comes as schools across the US close—heeding the advice of the CDC in order to slow the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19.